Monthly Archives: February 2010

A Message for Soul Dose (A Copy of Luisa Doraz’s Post)

Soul Dose has been fighting an illness, and she is feeling lost right now. She has exhausted all of her options in South Africa, where she lives now with her family. In my opinion, she needs to seek a charitable foundation in this world of ours, that will take on her illness…and find some answers for her. Her family resources are limited and almost depleted. If ANYONE knows of ANY PLACE that can HELP, Soul Dose PLEASE go to her blog, and pass it on. I am going to start looking on the internet for her to see what I can find. YOUR LOVE AND COMPASSION IN THIS MATTER IS DEEPLY APPRECIATED.

Like others, I am passing along the message that Luisa Doraz at Believe In Yourself has so eloquently constructed on Silindile Ntuli’s behalf. Please visit Soul Dose for more information on her illness and to pass along any sort of assistance you can provide.

Suspended Honey

canvas sits empty
staring me down
bright reflection
daring to feel
so many colors
begging broad strokes
and intricate details
something to define
but caps stay on
bristles unmoved
lingering over
the masterpiece
one more day


It’s Thursday again which means…Jingle‘s Thursday Poets’ Rally!! I have really been enjoying the weekly challenge of this wonderful rally of poets. Last week I was again awarded for being a regular at the rally. It is my pleasure to pass the award along to Michele Spector at Art is My Religion. I love how she sometimes follows her poems with further insight. Be sure to visit her!

Splintered Looking-Glass

i haven’t the secret
that will fill the hole
or soak up sadness
like a paper heart 
no magic knowledge
to guide you through
splintered looking-glass
now covered in clouds
but i spied you once
wrapped in navy blue
speckled with sapphire
gazing at the world
you found your feet
then joined the dance
don’t sit out now

an angel once fell

into the arms of a child

was it on purpose


Please visit my Unexpected Gifts tab to find out more about this award. To explore an incredible number of talented poets visit Jingle’s Blog.

This Way

waiting for calls

to go out in the wild

grasslands as the frontier

 a place where someone can

dance in rain split by sunrays

tramp through mud molded as clay

feel the elements wash across

a servant’s soul in answer

peering across the field

no longer in isolation

waiting for calls

Ripe Fruit Falls

scented with citrus, fresh from the tree

peel back the layers and discover me

the outside is bright but bitter at times

check out the sections beneath my rind

just lay them out neatly, all side by side

years have been spent learning to hide

with a little effort detect sweet and tart

give me a moment, i will open my heart

then spend more time, what will you see

scented with citrus, me free of the tree

New Maps

searching for alluring roads

paved with broken certitude

sweat of another man’s toil

so that a map could be lent

to all of life’s followers, who

was this pioneer that dared

to brave wild new territory

clear out overgrown doubt

pave the path of aspiration

liberating another frontier

future progeny dare follow

was he a simple man like me


Jingle let me know that there is a Monthly Poetry Contest going on over at David L Harrison’s Blog. You are given a one word prompt and submit through the comment section. I submitted this for the February prompt, Road. Hopefully I will see many of you over there – Have a terrific weekend!

Be Thrifty

we think we live
in an economy of time
but we live
in an economy of moments

odd system
no bartering
no trade

how spent
earning luxury
etching fame
easing pain
embracing others

lifetimes of moments
in short time
squander them
hanging on tomorrows
reliving yesterdays
or relish today

regardless of time
only moments
in the end

Angel Muse

can’t sleep

hand keeps writing in the dark

words spilling from paper to floor

dreaming with eyes open

wrist cramped

when tired comes

sleep will park as on a baby

visited by a feathered muse

with star dust sprinkled wings