Tag Archives: living

Suspended Honey

canvas sits empty
staring me down
bright reflection
daring to feel
so many colors
begging broad strokes
and intricate details
something to define
but caps stay on
bristles unmoved
lingering over
the masterpiece
one more day


It’s Thursday again which means…Jingle‘s Thursday Poets’ Rally!! I have really been enjoying the weekly challenge of this wonderful rally of poets. Last week I was again awarded for being a regular at the rally. It is my pleasure to pass the award along to Michele Spector at Art is My Religion. I love how she sometimes follows her poems with further insight. Be sure to visit her!

Be Thrifty

we think we live
in an economy of time
but we live
in an economy of moments

odd system
no bartering
no trade

how spent
earning luxury
etching fame
easing pain
embracing others

lifetimes of moments
in short time
squander them
hanging on tomorrows
reliving yesterdays
or relish today

regardless of time
only moments
in the end

About Bill

i’ve been thinking about bill
on and off all day today
seems that many of us forget
that at some point, we are
going to die, time expired
he is already planning on it
what is he doing with his time
looking for ways to spread joy
asking others to do the same
not sure if that is selfish or selfless
it just makes me walk through
my day, on the edge of a smile
looking for reasons to jump in

*visit Bill