Monthly Archives: April 2010

Quick Update

Just a quick note to let you all know that I am thinking of you and hoping to visit your blogs this weekend. Class for the new job is very intensive and not leaving me much free time at this point. I will not be participating in Jingle’s Thursday Poetry Rally for a few weeks but highly recommend that you visit and participate if you can. You will find some amazing poets there. Take care, be well, stay happy! ~Jaymie


sleep and consciousness battle

flameless candle of control

leaving me to wonder

where crazy lives

ponders and



absurd board

a bus to sensibility

others searching maps

missing by fleeting minutes

opportunity for the unexpected


like a boy’s eyelid or a sweatshirt

i’ve been trying to turn myself

inside out

neurons reaching for new connections

electric internal buzz could finally be

set free

words scrambled like a weekend omelet

feelings and emotions tripping over

my heart

racing to interact with everything

tangled, messy, and running amok

no shield 


Brief Update

It has been a crazy few weeks in Jaymieland. Celebrations, family fun, accepted a job, joined a writer’s group, forgot to read the book for bookclub (who doesn’t love reading a book in a day?), babysitting my twin nephews, out of town guests, did I mention the new job? Now I am in frantic organization mode and learning a new phone so I can keep up. Please bear with me as I am determined to return to more regular poetry postings in the near future. I’m dancing as fast as I can and hoping you are hearing the beautiful music of spring.

Ever Thankful

serendipity surrounds
as sun seeped slopes
erupt in evergreen hopeful
blazing hearts and trails
leaving mind to wander off
into silent slumbering solitude
soul communing with live
beating drums of eternal embrace
discovering earthen tribes that
become the rhythm that sways
branches of the tallest sycamore
while cradling the possibilities

Birthday Fun

Last Friday was my birthday. My sister greeted me with the following poem that she wrote and I just had to share. Birthdays are so much fun! 🙂

Happy birthday to my sister,
from me and the mister
so much fun you can’t resist her,
she’s like a crazy twister
Ooo, look at that faucet, I think it might be a pfister!


Great Beast

landing in a whales belly
upon the shining sea
sails set moonless course
drifting with a plea

break down this pride
to build back up
a journey meant to free
honesty beset this soul
anchor then to thee

set me down in cardinal points
to catch an onshore wind
i will tell of life adrift
before perfection lend